Đề thi CHÍNH THỨC môn Tiếng Anh - Kỳ thi Tuyển sinh lớp 10 PHÚ THỌ năm học 2023 -2024

Người đăng Phương Nguyễn Thị Mai | Ngày 03/05/2024 | 79

Thư viện học xin gửi đến các thầy cô và các bạn học sinh đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh tỉnh Phú Thọ năm học 2023 - 2024. Để download tài liệu, vui lòng kéo xuống cuối trang.








Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Ngày thi: 05.06.2023

Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)



Câu I. Chọn một phương án A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ có phần gạch chân dược phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. (0,8 điểm)

1. A. pencils                    B. actors                          C. chairmans                  D. students

2. A. talked                     B. loved                           C. watched                     D. passed

3. A. face                         B. place                            C. care                              D. stay

4. A. technique             B. chemist                       C. children                      D. headache

Câu II. Chọn một phương án đúngng A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp dể hoàn thành các câu sau. (3,2 điểm)

1. You have cleaned your bike, ______________?

A. have you                    B. do you                         C. haven’t you               D. don’t you

2. The church we ______________ visited last summer is over 500 years old.

A. who                              B. which                           C. when                           D. whose

3. Jenny’s close friend always comes to class on time and ______________.

A. neither does she      B. so does she                C. so doesn’t she          D. she does, either

4. All food products should carry a list of ______________ on the packet.

A. elements                    B. materials                    C. components              D. ingredients

5. According to our school’s regulations, students ______________ use mobile phones in class.

A. mustn’t                       B. shouldn't                    C. needn't                       D. won’t

6. ______________ her absence from class yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson

A. Because of               B. Although                    C. Because                      D. Despite

7. This is ______________ food I have ever eaten in this restaurant.

A. most delicious          B. more delicious          C. the most delicious   D. as delicious

8. The test is ______________ easy that most of the students got high scores.

A. such                             B. enough                       C. too                                D. so

9. They are living in a house that ______________ in 2010.

A. built                             B. was building              C. is built                         D. was built

10. Andrea has a ______________ rug on the floor in her bedroom.

A. lovely white cotton                                            B. white lovely cotton

C. lovely cotton white                                            D. cotton lovely white

11. We should ______________ full use of the Internet as it is an endless source of information.

A. make                           B. have                             C. give                              D. try

12. The fireworks ______________ and lightened the sky with different colors.

A. passed down            B. watched out              C. put out                        D. went off

Chọn một phương án đúng A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ gần nghĩa với phần được gạch chân.

13. Mr. Smith is a considerate man who is loved by both his family and friends.

A. selfish                          B. friendly                       C. thoughtful                 D. honest

14. The magician vanished in a puff of smoke, which made my children surprised.

A. landed                         B. disappeared              C. viewed                        D. attacked

Chọn một phương án đúng A, B, C hoặc D ứng với câu đáp lại phù hợp với các tình huống giao tiếp sau.

15. Tom and Mary ara talking about the performance.

- Tom “You’ve got a lovely singing voice, Mary!”

- Mary: “______________

A. Thank you.                 B. Congratulations!      C. It's all right.               D. Don’t mention it

16. Susan and David are in a language class.

- Susan: “Would you mind if I used your dictionary?"

- David: “______________. It’s over there."

A. I have a dictionary                                              B. I’m sorry I can’t

C. Of course not                                                       D. Don’t do that

Câu III. Tìm một lỗi sai trong bốn phần gạch chăn A, B, C hoặc D trong các câu sau đây. (0,8 điểm)

1. A man who is waiting for the bus over there is my neighbor.

A. A                                   B. waiting                        C. the                                D. is          

2. Food and supplies are often carrying through deserts by camels.

A. supplies                      B. carrying                      C. through                       D. camels

3. The heavy rain prevented us on going for a picnic last weekend.

A. heavy rain                  B. on                                 C. going                            D. for a picnic

4. My son will take his dog for a walk after he has finished her homework.

A. his dog                        B. a walk                          C. has finished               D. her

Câu IV. Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau. (0,8 điểm)

1. She told me how (control) __________ the new machine.

2. I remember (see) __________ her somewhere but I can’t remember her name.

3. We (not keep) __________ touch since we left school.

4. Your father and you (play) __________ badminton while your mother was preparing for dinner?

Câu V. Viết dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau. (0,8 điểm)

1. He was considered to be the greatest __________  in our country. (music)

2. The children are playing __________ in the garden. (happy)

3. Why can’t they __________ the break so that we have more time for a coffee? (long)

4. Our visit to Hung King Temple was such an __________ experience. We all felt happy. (forget)

Câu VI. Chọn một phưưng án đúng A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau. (0.8 điểm)

Homelessness is a problem in many big cities in the world. It occurs when a part of the population docs not have any (1) ______________ place to call home. All over the world, there are hundreds of millions of people (2) ______________ spend at least some time of the year homeless. This is an issue that the authorities are trying to deal with. (3) ______________, there are more things dull each person can do to help those people. One of the things that you can do to help the homeless is to volunteer your time. If you have a lol of free lime, you might go on an extended trip to help set up homes or improve an impoverished area. Even with just a few hours a week, it is possible to (4) ______________ an impact on your own city. You can also sign up to help at a local soup kitchen. Most cities have a mission of some kind serving food to the homeless and offering temporary shelters.

1. A. regularity              B. regularize                   C. regularly                     D. regular

2. A. which                      B. who                              C. whom                          D. whose

3. A. However               B. Although                    C. Because                      D. So

4. A. do                            B. choose                        C. make                           D. give

Câu VII. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án A, B, C hoặc D ứng với câu trả lời đúng cho các câu hỏi. (0.8 điểm)

If you’d like to improve your English, one thing you can do is to build up your vocabulary. In order to do this, you have io practice a lot. I'm afraid there is not a short cut for this, but there are many effective ways. First of all, you should read a lot. You con rend short stories, comics, newspapers, magazines, etc. depending on your English level. As you read, you can try to guess the meanings of unknown words from the context of the sentence. If you cannot, then look up die definition in a dictionary. English to English dictionary should be your first choice and keep the translator as last.

Another way of building vocabulary is Io watch movies in English which will also help with pronunciation. Try to be involved with the language us much as you can. Keep a vocabulary notebook and write down a few words each day. Keep in mind that you have to revise them regularly. In my opinion, to communicate with people all you need is words. Even if you just say the words one after another, people most likely will understand what you mean regardless of the order of the words and grammar.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Some effective ways to improve English vocabulary

B. The difficulties in learning English vocabulary

C. Problems of learning a second language

D. The best way of communicating in English

2. According to the writer. English learners should ______________.

A. find a short cut to practice English               B. use a dictionary for translation

C. avoid using English to English dictionary    D. write down some words every day

3. The word involved in the passage is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. determined               B. excited                        C. occupied                     D. relaxed

4. What does the word them in reading passage refer to ______________.

A. languages                   B. words                          C. notebooks                  D. people

Câu VIII. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi. (0,8 điểm)

The Eiffel Tower is a very famous tower in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer who designed it, Alexandre Eiffel.

Alexandre Eiffel was asked to build the tower when France decided to have a big fair to exhibit its goods and wares. The tower was located in the middle of the fair as a special attraction. When the structure first started to take shape, the people of France did not like it. They thought it looked like a giant skeleton and was not attractive at all. However, when the tower was finally completed and lighted up at night, the people quickly changed their minds. It was an enchanting sight and now looked like a tower made of lace.

The Eiffel Tower is sometimes considered one of the seven man-made wonders of the modern world. It is 300 meters high and people can take elevator all the way to the top. From the tower, they can get a marvelous view of the city and the river Seine which runs through it.

1. Did the Eiffel Tower get its name from its designer?


2. When was Alexandre Eiffel asked to build the tower?


3. Why didn't the people of France like the tower al first?


4. Is the Eiffel Tower sometimes considered a man-made or natural wonder?


Câu IX. Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho không thay đổi nghĩa so với câu đã cho. (1,2 điểm)

1. They will announce their detailed plan next week.


2. “I am going to the school library now." said Bill.


3. Some people don’t care much about the environment, so they keep making it worse.


4. My father started working for an engineering company 15 years ago.


5. Playing ice hockey is more dangerous than playing basketball.


6. Because of the extremely bad weather in the mountains, we are no longer considering our skiing trip.




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